Lähetetty: 28.2.2017 | Uutishuone

The Finnish Network for Sustainable Mining has revised the Standard for Sustainable Exploration. The board of the network approved the revised standard at its meeting on December 2021.

The standard is comprised of guiding principles and three protocols, which cover the entire lifecycle of exploration activities. The protocols include community relationships, environment and safety.

The exploration standard follows the same logic as in the standard for sustainable mining, where each protocol is divided into assessment criterias. The Finnish mining standard has been developed based on the Canadian standard Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM).

Once adopted, the exploration companies should report on an annual basis on the implementation of the standard. Every three years, an external verification will take place to make sure that the information provided by the companies is correct.

The standard for exploration has now been translated into English, and it can be downloaded from the following links:

Guiding principles

Finnish standard for sustainable exploration

For further information, please contact Kimmo Collander, Secretary General, Finnish Network for Sustainable Mining, tel: +358 50 431 4982, E-mail: kimmo.collander@kaivosvastuu.fi


Towards Sustainable Mining – TSM Suomi