Description of the company

Pyhäsalmi Mine is located in Pyhäjärvi in Northern Ostrobothnia. It is owned by First Quantum Minerals Ltd. The production started in 1962. The underground mine operation and processing of copper and zinc concentrates ended in August 2022. Pyhäsalmi Mine was the deepest metal ore mine in Europe. Production continues with producing pyrite concentrate from the material stored in the tailings area. Production is estimated to continue until the end of 2025. After the end of production, pyrite concentrate deliveries continues to customers from stock and closure measures are carried out for a few years.

The closure of the underground mine is currently being carried out and post closure use is being sought for the premises.

More information:

Results according to the TSM Finland Standard

Community Outreach Biodiversity Management Tailings management Water management Climate change management Mine closure Occupational health and safety

Crisis management

Crisis management preparedness Internal review Training and exercises
Crisis Management Planning – Corporate
Crisis Management Planning – Site
Results as of: 20240405
Latest externally verification: 20240405

Social Responsibility Report

Company in figures

  • Production volume: Pyrite concentrate 367 085 t (51,2% S)
  • Total mining: Blasted rock for road maintenance etc. 3600 t
  • Reported one reserves: 0
  • Reported mineral reserves: 3,3 Mt (copper 0,47%, zinc 0,29 %, sulfur 40,34 %, gold 0,4 g/t, silver 0 g/t)
  • Year of commencement: 1958 (finding the ore deposit), 1962 (production)
  • Expected remaining life of the mine: 0-5 years
  • Mining area: 412 ha (of which owned by company 100 %)
  • Number of own employees (31.12.): 66
  • The main localities of the employees: Pyhäjärvi 87 %, Kärsämäki 3 %, Nivala 3 %
  • Number of permanent contractors (31.12.): 27
  • Operating profit EBITDA: -4,7 million euros (Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy and Inmet Finland Oy)
  • Paid capital gains tax: 0 euros (Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy and Inmet Finland Oy)

Information about prospecting

Exploration started at the area in 1957 by Outokumpu Oy. In 2004 – 2019 the explorations was executed by Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy. Since 2020, there has not been exploration.

  • Number and area of reservation areas: -
  • Number and area of exploration permit areas: -
  • Number and area of exploration permit application: 3 pcs, total area 610,4 ha
  • Exploration permits under appeal: -
  • Exploration drilling: -


The company's environmental practices:
Yes No
Location in a nature reserve*
Environmental Management System **
Environmental impact assessment required (in accordance with the EIA Act) *
Measurements for dust
Measurements for noise
Measurements for vibration
Environmental risk assessment carried out
Deviations from environmental permits ***
Closure plan for the mine
Plan for the controlled shutdown of the mine in unexpected situations
  • ** ISO 14001, not certified
  • *** 2, deviations are related to water

  • Environmental permit granted: Yes
  • Year of permit: 2022, link:;
  • Link of permit:
  • Guarantee in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act: 21 106 300 €
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in the mining permit area: 989 000 €
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in mineral exploration permit area: -

Key Figures

  • Amount of mining waste: 204 507 t (100 % tailings)
  • Utilixation of extractive waste: 33 % of tailings were used to backfill
  • Fuel Consumption: 3.92 GWh (liikkuva kalusto kaivosalueella, sisältäen myös pääurakoitsijat)
  • Other energy consumption: Electricity 24,99 GWh (2022 origin distribution: fossil energy sources and peat 70.12 %, nuclear power 18.2 %, renewable energy sources 11.68 %), heat 9,33 GWh (heat re-covery from drainage water 45,8%, renewable 50,9%, fossil energy sources 3,3%)
  • Energy consumption target: 52,8 kWh/t, actual 55,5 kWh/t
  • CO2 emissions from the mine: 2015 tonnes CO2, 0.0042 tonnes CO2/feed-t
  • Water consumption: 2,85 Mm3 (of which 49 % freshwater from lake)
  • Discharge of water outside the mining area: 2,98 Mm3
  • Number of dams in the mining area: 3 pcs (classification 1)
  • Endangered species are present in the operational area: No
  • Use of environmentally hazardous chemicals: -
  • Biodiversity actions: Annual fee (€4,800), which is used to manage the fishery and crab population in the ar-ea affected by the mine. Biodiversity has been taken into account in the landscaping plan for the planned moraine intake extraction area.

Personnel and security

The company's personnel practices:
Yes No
Staff initiative system
Performance appraisals concerning the entire personnel
Staff training plan
Equality plan
Employee representation in company administration
Occupational health and safety management system*
Occupational safety card for everyone working in the area
Own rescue unit
  • * ISO45001, not certified

Key Figures

  • Average training days: 3
  • Sickness absences (excluding contractors): 3,04 %
  • Accident frequency: 0 incidents / million working hours (incidents leading to loss of at least 1 work shift, own personnel), contractors 0 incidents.
  • Shift systems in use: 1-shiftsystem, 2-shiftsystem, 3-shiftsystem, 8 hours workday system, flexible working hours, weekday system (Mo-Fr), 4:6 system (4 workdays, 6 day off).
  • Share of women in the labour force: 24,5 %

Impact on the use and livelihoods of nearby areas

Impact on local livelihoods:

Economical impact of mining is significant for the town Pyhäjärvi. The mine has had a remarkable impact on the area’s economic activity and its continuity and development. With the closure of the mine, part of the basis on which the companies have built their business will also disappear. The municipality, residents of the surrounding area, landowners, local entrepreneurs and the partnership of Lake Pyhäjärvi are taken into account in the stakeholder work.

Impact on nearby recreational use:

On the southwest side of the mine there is an old moraine intake area, from which Pyhäsalmi Mine used moraine to cover one of the tailings bond at the turn of the millennium. A fitness track goes around the area. Pyhäsalmi Mine built a bird observation tower in the area in 2023.

To the west of the mine, on the shore of Lake Pyhäjärvi, there is a boat dock and a beach renovated by Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy. The area is in free use.

Impact on landscape value:

Landscape values ​​have been taken into account in the company’s operations and closure plan. Lanscaping have been carried out during the operation, e.g. the decommissioned pond A has been covered and landscaped right after its use was ended.

A landscaping plan has been drawn up for the incoming moraine intake area in the cooperation with stakeholders. Seedlings were planted in the protection zone of the incoming moraine intake area in 2023.

Interaction with stakeholders

Stakeholder cooperation:

  • Regular meetings with representatives of the town Pyhäjärvi. Close cooperation in the Callio project of Kvanttikinteistöt Oy, owned by the town of Pyhäjärvi, which promotes the reuse of the mining area after the end of mining operations.
  • Yhteistyöryhmä kokoontui kerran vuonna 2023. Yhteistyöryhmä koostuu kaivoksen keskeisistä sidosryhmistä ja se perustetiin vuonna 2021 kaivoksen johdolla. Yhteistyöryhmän tavoitteena on lisätä eri sidosryhmien välistä vuorovaikutusta ja tiedonvaihtoa. Yhteistyöryhmässä käsitellään mm. kaivoksen tuotantoon, sulkemis- ja jälkihoitovaiheeseen sekä jatkokäyttöhankkeisiin liittyviä asioita. Yhteistyöryhmä koostuu kaivoksen, Pyhäjärven kaupungin, Pyhäjärven kehityksen, Ruotasen kyläyhdistys ry:n, Pyhäjärven yrittäjät ry:n, Pyhäjärven kalastusalueen ja osakaskunnan, sekä Pyhäjoen vesistö ry:n edustajista. Yhteistyöryhmän kokoonpanoa ei ole rajattu kyseisiin ryhmiin. Ryhmä kokoontuu vähintään kerran vuodessa.
  • The community advisory panel met once in 2023. The panel consists of the key stakeholders and was founded in 2021 by Pyhäsalmi Mine. The goal of the panel is to increase interaction and exchange of information between different stakeholders. In the panel, we discuss e.g. matters related to the production, mine closure and post closure projects. The panel consists of representatives of the mine, town Pyhäjärvi, Pyhäjärvi Development, Ruotanen Village Association, Pyhäjärvi Entrepreneurs’ Association, Pyhäjärvi fishing area and Partnership of Lake Pyhäjärvi and Pyhäjoki Watershed Sssociation. The composition of the panel is not limited to those groups. The panel meets at least once a year.
  • Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy cooperates with the local village association and has contributed to enabling the operation of the village house.
  • Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy organizes an open stakeholder meeting at least four times a year to communicate about the  current issues and to hear the stakeholders.
  • Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy in cooperation with the Ruotanen Village Association set up a permanent exhibition of the mining at the Village house. The exhibition has gathered photos and objects related to the mining from over the decades.
  • The opening of the bird observation tower built by the Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy was celebrated in October in connection with the International Birding Day.
  • Pyhäsalmi Mine’s website was published at the end of 2023:
  • An opinion survey was conducted for the landscaping/recreational use planning of the future moraine intake area (Pellonpää). The answers were taken into account while preparing the landscaping plan and changes were made to the plan based on the proposals of nearby residents.
  • Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy has procedures for processing stakeholder feedback. The feedback system has been communicated at stakeholder events, where feedback is also actively inquired. All feedback, including that received at stakeholder meetings, is recorded in the system and processed appropriately.

Research and cooperation projects:

  • Callion tarkoituksena on saada kaivokseen uusiokäyttöä kaivostoiminnan loputtua, edistettävinä hankkeina mm. energiavarasto, aurinkovoima, data-center ja maanalainen tutkimus- ja testaustoiminta. Seuraavat hankkeet olivat käynnissä vuonna 2023:
  • Cooperation with the town Pyhäjärvi continued under the Callio concept. Callio’s purpose is to  exploit the underground mine and mining area infrastructure after the cessation of mining operations in the form of promoted projects, e.g. energy storage, solar power, data center and underground research and testing activities. The following projects were underway in 2023:
    • Pumped Hydro Energy Storage: EPV Energy Oy withdrew from the project in October 2023. Ministry of Employment and the Economy continued extended the 26.3 million euro subsidy it granted to the project until December 2024.
    • Undergorund Rescue project: the goal is to develop an underground occupational safety training, development and innovation environment
    • FutureMINE-project: the goal is to find out what the future of innovations in mining technology is and their testing needs and requirements. Project period 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025.
    • Solar park project located on the closed tailings pond A. implementation and commissioning in 2024.
    • Testing of electric mining vehicles
  • Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy participated as one of the financiers and as a member of the steering group in the TypArkt project, which investigated passive hybrid treatment solutions for the extraction of nitrogen and heavy metals from arctic runoff waters. The project ended in 2023.
  • Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy offered a testing environment for Golden Eye project, where an artificial intelligence platform enabling comprehensive monitoring of mines and their effects was developed.Project ended in 2023.
Social Responsibility Report
Area of operation
Contact information:
Maria Hänninen
Environmental Manager
Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy

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