Description of the company

Sokli Oy is a project company wholly owned by Finnish Minerals Group (Suomen Malmijalostus Oy). Finnish Minerals Group’s task is to maximize the value of Finnish minerals responsibly. In December 2020, Finnish Minerals Group acquired the rights related to the Sokli mining project located in Savukoski in Northern Finland.

The Sokli phosphate deposit was discovered in 1967 and has been studied ever since. The phosphorus contained in phosphate is an important raw material for fertilizer in agriculture, and it is also used as a raw material in the battery industry. In addition to phosphate, the Sokli deposit contains several raw materials needed for the green transition. Sokli’s new mining district is about 5,900 hectares after the ongoing mining district delivery is completed.

Sokli Oy does not conduct ore exploration outside the valid mining district. We are committed to the principles of the mining responsibility and ore exploration system, and they are taken into account in the development of operations. The mining liability system will be introduced as the project progresses to the approval stage.

The preliminary survey of the Sokli mining project was completed at the end of 2022. The results of the survey show that in addition to phosphate and iron, Sokli could produce e.g. rare earth elements (REE), which are essential in the transition to renewable energy. Sokli could produce at least 10% of the amount of rare earth elements that Europe needs to manufacture permanent magnets every year. This amount would cover the need for permanent magnets for 1,500 industrial wind turbines or 2 million electric cars. In addition, more than 20% of Europe’s annual phosphate need could be obtained from Sokli. Sokli’s phosphate could be used to make fertilizers that would ensure food production for more than 60 million people a year. However, only a small part of the mineral potential has been explored.

The Regional Administration Office granted an environmental and water management permit to carry out mining and beneficiation activities in Sokli in 2018. In March 2022, the Supreme Administrative Court returned the permit for processing by the Regional Administration Office. The situation has changed from the plans approved in 2018, and as a result of the preliminary investigation, issues have been identified that still require further investigation. Sokli Oy canceled the permit process pending at the Regional Administration Agency in February 2023. If further studies confirm the conclusions of the preliminary study, and the EIA and permit processes could be started after them and the construction of the mine’s infrastructure could begin in the early 2030s.

More information about Sokli mining project

Company in figures

  • Production: No mining operations
  • Total mining: No mining operations
  • Reported ore reserves: Probable 133,3 Mt (P2O5% 12,2 ja FeO% 18,3 %)
  • Reported minerals reserves: Not reported
  • Year of commencement: Exploration 1967. No mining operations.
  • Expected remaining life of the mine: Life of the mine not available.
  • Mining area: The ongoing mining district delivery concerns an area of ​​5,923.65 ha, which includes the already established mining district with an area of ​​approximately 1,199.31 ha
  • Number of own employees (31.12.): 6
  • The main localities of the employees: Espoo and Savukoski
  • Number of employees of permanent contractors: 0
  • Operating profit EBITDA:
  • Paid capital gain tax:

Information about prospecting

Sokli Oy does not conduct ore exploration outside the valid mining district.

  • Number and area of reservation areas: 0 pcs
  • Number and area of exploration permit areas: 0 pcs
  • Number and area of exploration permit applications: 0 pcs
  • Exploration permits under appeal: 0 pcs
  • Exploration drilling: 0 km


The company's environmental practices:
Yes No
Location in a nature reserve*
Environmental Management System **
Environmental impact assessment required (in accordance with the EIA Act)
Measurements for dust
Measurements for noise
Measurements for vibration
Environmental risk assessment carried out
Deviations from the environmental permit ***
Closure plan for the mine
Plan for the controlled shutdown of the mine in unexpected situations

  • Environmental permit granted: No
  • Guarantee in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act: No environmental permit
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in the mining permit area: 80,000 euros for the valid mining permit
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in mineral exploration permit area: No exploration

Key Figures

  • Amount of extractive waste: 0 t
  • Utilization of extractive waste: -
  • Fuel consumption: 0,5 GWh
  • Other energy consumption: Light fuel oil 7 m3 for electricity production. Electricity consumption 0.05 GWh
  • Energy consumption target: Target not set.
  • CO2 emissions: 144 t
  • Water consumption: 0
  • Discharge of water outside the mining area: 0
  • Number of dams in the mining area: 1 (Old dam of the test refinery)
  • Endangered species are present in the operational area: kylla
  • Use of environmentally hazardous chemicals: -
  • Biodiversity actions: Compensation applications are being processed in connection with two species (lettorikko and laaksoarho). Nature surveys carried out by the company.

Personnel and security

The company's personnel practices:
Yes No
Staff initiative system
Performance appraisals concerning the entire personnel
Staff training plan
Equality plan
Employee representation in company administration
Occupational health and safety management system*
Occupational safety card for everyone working in the area
Own rescue unit

Key Figures

  • Average training days: Not reported due to low number of employees
  • Sickness absences (excluding contractors): Not reported due to low number of employees
  • Accident frequency: 0
  • Shift systems in use: -
  • Share of women in the labour force: 17% Sokli Oy / 44% Finnish Minerals Group

Impact on the use and livelihoods of nearby areas

Impact on local livelihood:

  • When possible, local service providers are taken into account in procurement.
  • The effects on reindeer husbandry, waterways, fish stocks and nature tourism are taken into account in the planning of mining operations.
  • The mine would bring new jobs to Savukoski and Northern Finland, and the operation would be reflected in the demand for services both locally and more widely. According to preliminary estimates, mining and beneficiation offers 300 direct jobs, and in addition to this, approx. 330 jobs would be created indirectly in the Eastern Lapland region and 1,500 people in the whole of Finland

Impact on nearby recreational use:

  • Hunting, fishing, berry picking and mushroom picking are practiced in Sokli and its surrounding area. So far, the company has not restricted hunting and fishing or other nature-related recreational use.
  • Metsähallitus is the largest land owner in the area, and Sokli Oy does not prevent the recreational use of the mining area in the current development phase of the project. The proximity of existing trenches and buildings limits recreational use locally, as well as the investigations carried out in the area from time to time.

Impacts on landscape value:

Sokli Oy has renovated and demolished the buildings in the area and the area has been cleaned.

Interaction with stakeholders

Stakeholder cooperation:

For Finnish Minerals Group, effective dialogue with the residents of Savukoski, decision-makers and the councils of the Sokli area of ​​influence is very important. We actively participate in the wider mining industry discussion and communicate our work at local events and through our website. You can give feedback via the feedback form, which is saved in our electronic processing system.

Sokli Oy is a company from Savukoski. We regularly organize open events at our Savukoski office, where anyone interested can come and talk to us and hear about current issues related to Sokli.

Our electronic newsletter comes out about once a month, and through it everyone interested can get current information about Sokli. Sokli’s newsletter (in Finnish) can be ordered at: sokliutiskirje.mineralsgroup.f

Research and cooperation projects:

Sokli Oy is doing extensive research and development work related to the project to find out the entire mineral potential.

Social Responsibility Report
Area of operation:
Contact information:
Samuli Nikula
Sustainability manager
Sokli Oy

Other Years

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Towards Sustainable Mining – TSM Suomi