Description of the company

Rupert Exploration Finland Oy is a company owned by Rupert Resources Ltd, headquartered in Sodankylä. Rupert Resources’ main focus is on the Rupert Lapland project in the Central Lapland greenstone belt. The project consists of a multi-million-ounce gold deposit. The company was founded in 2020. Operations focus on exploration.

Company in figures

  • Production: -
  • Total mining: -
  • Reported ore reserves: -
  • Reported minerals reserves: Indicated 58.4 Mt (2.18 g/t Au), Inferred 3.58 Mt (1.18 g/t Au)
  • Year of commencement: 2020
  • Expected remaining life of the mine: -
  • Mining area: -
  • Number of own employees (31.12.): -
  • The main localities of the employees: -
  • Number of employees of permanent contractors: -
  • Operating profit EBITDA: -
  • Paid capital gain tax: -

Information about prospecting

Rupert Exploration Finland Oy has been conducting exploration in Sodankylä since 2020. Company’s exploration permit areas are located in Sodankylä and Kittilä municipalities and in the reindeer herding co-operative areas of Sattasniemi, Syväjärvi, Kuivasalmi and Alakylä. Gold and copper are searched for in the exploration permit areas, and geophysical measurements, base of till sampling and drilling are used as exploration methods.

JV area = Cooperation project with another exploration company

  • Number and area of reservation areas: 2 pcs, 21939 ha
  • Number and area of exploration permit areas: 8 pcs, 33504 ha (JV-areas 2 pcs, 3694 ha)
  • Number and area of exploration permit applications: 8 pcs, 7837 ha
  • Exploration permits under appeal: 0 pcs
  • Exploration drilling: 50 230 km


The company's environmental practices:
Yes No
Location in a nature reserve*
Environmental Management System **
Environmental impact assessment required (in accordance with the EIA Act)
Measurements for dust
Measurements for noise
Measurements for vibration
Environmental risk assessment carried out
Deviations from the environmental permit ***
Closure plan for the mine
Plan for the controlled shutdown of the mine in unexpected situations

  • Environmental permit granted: No
  • Guarantee in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act: -
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in the mining permit area: -
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in mineral exploration permit area: -

Key Figures

  • Amount of extractive waste: -
  • Utilization of extractive waste: -
  • Fuel consumption: -
  • Other energy consumption: -
  • Energy consumption target: -
  • CO2 emissions: -
  • Water consumption: -
  • Discharge of water outside the mining area: -
  • Number of dams in the mining area: -
  • Endangered species are present in the operational area: kylla
  • Use of environmentally hazardous chemicals: -
  • Biodiversity actions: -

Personnel and security

The company's personnel practices:
Yes No
Staff initiative system
Performance appraisals concerning the entire personnel
Staff training plan
Equality plan
Employee representation in company administration
Occupational health and safety management system*
Occupational safety card for everyone working in the area
Own rescue unit

Key Figures

  • Average training days: -
  • Sickness absences (excluding contractors): -
  • Accident frequency: -
  • Shift systems in use: -
  • Share of women in the labour force: -

Impact on the use and livelihoods of nearby areas

Impact on local livelihood:

Rupert Exploration Finland Oy’s exploration activities are located in the reindeer herding co-operative areas of Sattasniemi, Kuivasalmi, Alakylä and Syväjärvi, and the permits span over Sodankylä and Kittilä municipalities. There is a regular dialogue with the reindeer herders. GPS collars intended for reindeer have been purchased for the Sattasniemi reindeer herders to monitor the reindeer’s movement and pasture rotation. Every autumn, the company organizes information sessions for the residents of the nearby villages, where the work of the upcoming field season is presented and there is an open discussion about the company’s activities and effects on the area. The company strives to use local companies in its acquisitions. According to the company’s own view, the operation has no impacts on other businesses.

Impact on nearby recreational use:

Exploration activities may cause minor and momentary harm to the recreational use of the nearby area.

Impacts on landscape value:

Exploration is very local, so according to the company’s assessment, the effects of its exploration activities on the landscape value are minor.

Interaction with stakeholders

Stakeholder cooperation:

The company considers open and proactive information and dialogue with its stakeholders to be of primary importance. The company always informs its stakeholders about the exploration work beforehand. Every Autumn, an information session is organized for the nearest villages, where future works and plans are presented. At the village meetings, it is possible to meet the company’s employees, discuss and ask questions about the operation. Information sessions are organized not only for the villagers but also for other stakeholders such as the municipality and the authorities, whenever necessary. We also support local activities.

The company uses social media such as Facebook and Instagram to inform about its activities. You can find a contact form on the company’s website. The channels are open to all stakeholders and to those who are interested in the operation. You can submit comments, questions and feedback on the company’s operations:

In addition, the company conducts an annual impact area survey for landowners in the immediate influence area of Ikkari. The impact area survey collects information about the perceived effects of the company’s operations. The project also has a website in Finnish, where the progress of the project is communicated. In addition, the website has a map service with geographical information regarding the Ikkari project plans. The map is connected to a feedback system, enabling location-related feedback on the project. In addition, information about the project is sent to nearby residents by mail in the form of a leaflet.

The company started a new recurring event called “Mine coffee” in 2023 together with several local mining industry companies. The Mine coffee events are open discussion sessions.

Research and cooperation projects:

Social Responsibility Report
Area of operation:
Contact information:
Anniina Salonen
Environmental Manager
Rupert Finland Oy

Other Years

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