Description of the company

Kemi Mine is owned by Outokumpu Chrome Oy, a subsidiary of the Outokumpu Group. It is located north of the city of Kemi in Elijärvi, Keminmaa. Kemi Mine is the only chromium mine within the European Union.

The mine is part of Outokumpu’s integrated ferrochrome and stainless steel production chain in the Kemi-Tornio region. The role of Kemi Mine in the long production chain, that produces stainless steel from chromite ore, is to manufacture chromite ore concentrates used as a raw material for ferrochrome production at the ferrochrome plant in Tornio. The chromium contained in the ferrochrome produced by the plant makes the steel stainless.

Kemi Mine was opened in 1968, just under ten years after the ore was discovered. Until 2005, chrome was mined by open pit mining to a depth of around 200 meters, after which all ore has been extracted from an underground mine.  The environmental impacts of operating Kemi Mine are low due to the low solubility of oxide chromite ore, the gravity-based chemical-free concentration method, and the closed process water cycle, that both mining and concentration processes.

Outokumpu Group’s environmental target is to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and strive towards carbon neutrality. Kemi Mine’s target is to be the world’s first carbon-neutral mine by 2025. The three most important factors for the carbon neutrality of Kemi Mine are the use of low-carbon electricity, the use of biofuels in traffic and machinery, and the replacement of natural gas and propane gas for heating with electricity and biogas. The electrification rate of the mining machines will be increased, which will also reduce fuel consumption.

Results according to the TSM Finland Standard

Community Outreach Biodiversity Management Tailings management Water management Climate change management Mine closure Occupational health and safety

Crisis management

Crisis management preparedness Internal review Training and exercises
Crisis Management Planning – Corporate
Crisis Management Planning – Site
Results as of: The climate change management protocol has not been verified, the protocol will be verified during the next verification.

Social Responsibility Report

Company in figures

  • Production volume: Lump concentrate 217,598 t and fine concentrate 673,784 t
  • Total mining: 2.921 Mt (65% ore and 35% crushed gangue)
  • Reported one reserves: 32.1 Mt (23.7% Cr2O3) (PERC)
  • Reported mineral reserves: 108.2 Mt (28.6% Cr2O3) (PERC)
  • Year of commencement: 1968
  • Expected remaining life of the mine: 20-30 years
  • Mining area: 990 hectares (incl. sub-areas)
  • Number of own employees (31.12.): 220 employees
  • The main localities of the employees: Kemi 39 %, Tornio 20 %, Keminmaa 15 %, other 26 %
  • Number of permanent contractors (31.12.): 300 persons
  • Operating profit EBITDA: Not reported separately, but included in the reports of Outokumpu's Ferrochrome business area
  • Paid capital gains tax: Not reported separately but included in more extensive Outokumpu reporting.

Information about prospecting

Outokumpu Chrome Oy has one ore prospecting permit area in Keminmaa, at Nuottijänkä, permit code ML2021:0010. Diamond core drilling was carried out in the area in 2022. The ore prospecting focused on chromium (Cr) in the east and west extensions of the Kemi mine chromite ore. In addition, possible platinum group (PGE) metals were prospected in the drill holes. 

  • Number and area of reservation areas: -
  • Number and area of exploration permit areas: Nuottijänkä (1 kpl) and 446,12 ha 
  • Number and area of exploration permit application: -
  • Exploration permits under appeal: -
  • Exploration drilling: No ore prospecting diamond core drilling at Nuottijänkä in 2023


The company's environmental practices:
Yes No
Location in a nature reserve*
Environmental Management System **
Environmental impact assessment required (in accordance with the EIA Act) *
Measurements for dust
Measurements for noise
Measurements for vibration
Environmental risk assessment carried out
Deviations from environmental permits ***
Closure plan for the mine
Plan for the controlled shutdown of the mine in unexpected situations
  • ** According to EN ISO 9001:2015 and EN ISO 14001:2015

  • Environmental permit granted: Yes
  • Year of permit: Environmental and water management permit for the Kemi chromite mine and concentrating plant and permit to commence operations, Permit Decision No. 125/20/1 (Dno. PSAVI/121/04.08/2010), December 27, 2010.
  • Link of permit: -
  • Guarantee in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act: 8 978 477 € 
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in the mining permit area: 100 000 €
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in mineral exploration permit area: 2000 € 

Key Figures

  • Amount of mining waste: Gangue 1.0 Mt, tailings1.2 Mt, lumpy gangue 0.35 Mt
  • Utilixation of extractive waste: Gangue 100%, lumpy gangue 100%
  • Fuel Consumption: 25 GWh (Fuel consumption of plant machinery in the mine area; includes consumption by the company and contractors.)
  • Other energy consumption: Electricity 91 GWh (100% low-carbon electricity) heating 31 GWh.
  • Energy consumption target:
  • CO2 emissions from the mine: 9,800 tons of CO2 and 0.005 tons of CO2 per ton of ore
  • Water consumption: Process water intake of the concentrating plant 3.27 Mm3 (share of fresh water 3.6%)
  • Discharge of water outside the mining area: 1,53 Mm3 
  • Number of dams in the mining area: 7 (class 2), 1 (class 1)
  • Endangered species are present in the operational area: Yes
  • Use of environmentally hazardous chemicals: Gravity-based enrichment method, no environmentally hazardous chemicals used
  • Biodiversity actions: The monitoring and restoring of biodiversity include the following activities, among others: nature surveys, diatom, benthic fauna and fishery analyses, bird observation, transplantation of fish in the sea area, installation of artificial bird nests in the mine area, including a swallow hotel in the water ponds, built in cooperation with the local ornithological association.

Personnel and security

The company's personnel practices:
Yes No
Staff initiative system
Performance appraisals concerning the entire personnel
Staff training plan
Equality plan
Employee representation in company administration
Occupational health and safety management system*
Occupational safety card for everyone working in the area
Own rescue unit
  • * Kemi Mine has an occupational health and safety system that follows the ISO45001 standard, but it has not been certified

Key Figures

  • Average training days: 0.6 days/person/year
  • Sickness absences (excluding contractors): 5,6 % 
  • Accident frequency: LTI 0,0; TRI 0,0
  • Shift systems in use: (Mon–Fri) 1-shift system, 2-shift system, 3-shift system, 8 and 12-hour working day system, flextime, weekday system
  • Share of women in the labour force: 12 %

Impact on the use and livelihoods of nearby areas

Impact on local livelihoods:

Kemi Mine is located in the municipality of Keminmaa, in the Meri-Lappi region. Kemi Mine, together with the Tornio plants, is a significant employer in the Lapland region, both directly and indirectly. Other activities in the vicinity of Kemi Mine include agriculture and forestry, as well as soil and minerals operations. Kemi Mine is not located in a reindeer herding area.

Impact on nearby recreational use:

According to the company’s assessment, its operations have not had any significant impact on the recreational use of the nearby area. Close to the mine, people spend time outdoors, picking berries and hunting.

Impact on landscape value:

The most dominant elements related to the mine’s operations are the structures, such as mine towers and gangue piles. The mine is located in the middle of wetlands and forests, which means that its impacts on the landscape surrounding the mine area are only occasional. Mining operations cause landscape impacts mainly in the remote landscape (more than 5 km from the mine area). The greatest impacts on the remote landscape occur on the roof of the Kemi town hall in the southwest and on the Ajos shore. There are also minor impacts on the northwest shore of Keminmaa’s old church/museum, where the gangue areas can be seen as a thin silhouette above the forest line.

Landscape values have been considered in the mine’s operations and closure plan. The target of Kemi Mine is to take biodiversity into account in the landscape and closure plans, considering the typical species in the region. In all operations of the mine, the aim is to keep the environmental impacts in the mine area and its immediate vicinity as low as possible, for example, in terms of dusting and water system impacts. The target is also to maintain and promote the mining area’s positive impacts on birds, among other things.

Interaction with stakeholders

Stakeholder cooperation:

The most important stakeholders are our employees, contractors, authorities, the municipality, local media, local residents and landowners, educational institutions, service providers and material suppliers, as well as organizations and associations.

The company holds proactive discussions with stakeholders about plans, their possible concerns, ways to mitigate the impacts of the operations and other matters to be considered in the operating environment. The interaction with stakeholders is effective and the attitude towards mining operations is open, collaborative, and neutral.  The company has a feedback channel for stakeholders ( ), which serves both as a contact channel and a channel for collecting feedback.

  • In 2023, stakeholder cooperation was organized both as a Teams meeting and as a physical meeting at the mine. The themes of the meetings in 2023 included topical issues, stakeholder cooperation and its development, promoting biodiversity in the mining sector, the mine’s carbon neutrality project and the nitrogen load of mining water. In the cooperation group, representatives of Meri-Lapin Lintutieteellinen Yhdistys Xenus ry presented their activities and the rare bird species found in the mine area, and Tapojärvi Oy, which operates in the mine area, presented its activities both at Kemi Mine and more broadly, for example, in various circular economy projects.
  • The inauguration of the DeepMine project was held in the mine area on October 6, 2023. Local cooperation and stakeholder groups and their representatives were also invited to the event.
  • Members of the local Meri-Lapin Lintutieteellinen Yhdistys Xenus ry actively visited the pond area during 2023. An annual excursion of the local bird association was organized in the pond area. In addition, bird enthusiasts organized a bird course together with the Kivalo Institute, the main destination of which was the pond areas with their abundant bird species.
  • During 2023, the mine was visited by several external operators, commercial partners and educational institutions. In addition, the was cooperation with local educational institutions within the framework of partnership agreements.
  • The company supports, among other things, local education, youth work, sports and hobbies, environmental and cultural activities and the leisure activities of its employees’ families.

Research and cooperation projects:

  • Research and development work to promote the carbon neutrality of Kemi Mine was carried out in 2023, such as investigating the replacement of fuels used for heating with low-carbon methods and investigating the reduction of the carbon footprint of materials used in mining.
  • The DeepMine project, which began at Kemi Mine in the fall of 2017, was completed.
  • Kemi Mine is involved in Business Finland’s PILCCU project, the goal of which is to investigate the deployment of large-scale carbon dioxide capture and recovery (CCU) in Finland.
  • Kemi Mine participates in the Vesitar project (2023–2025), the goal of which is to experimentally determine suitable treatment methods for industrial water and solutions promoting the circular economy.
  • Kemi Mine is involved in the Action4Commons study, which develops the theory of collective stakeholder activities to secure common assets. Research creates new insight into companies’ involvement in the management of shared assets to create long-term value together with stakeholders
  • During 2023, personnel participated in several webinars and workshops related to mine side streams and their utilization.
Social Responsibility Report
Area of operation
Contact information:
Peltonen Heidi
VP Sustainability
Outokumpu Oyj

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