Description of the company

Nordkalk group, owned by SigmaRoc PLC, is a manufacturer of limestone-based products in Northern Europe with operations in ten countries and in more than thirty locations around Europe. The parent company Nordkalk Oy Ab, operating in Finland, has 11 limestone mines. The largest mines are located in Parainen, Lappeenranta and Tytyri in Lohja, with Tytyri being an underground mine. These three mines, which have been in operation over one hundred year, represent over 90 % of Nordkalk’s limestone production in Finland. In addition to limestone, Nordkalk mines Gangue and Wollastonite in Lappeenranta. The recent acquisition of Juuan Dolomiittikalkki has not been included in the report for year 2023, unless otherwise agreed.

Nordkalk’s business activities are not limited to mining; it also manufactures quicklime and slaked lime. However, these aspects are not the focus of this report.

TSM-tulokset ovat saatavilla todentamisen jälkeen.

Social Responsibility Report

Company in figures

  • Production volume: Finland total 2,6 million tons limestone and wollastonite (Lappeenranta 1 / Parainen 1,2 / Tytyri 0,2 million tons)
  • Total mining: 3,8 million tons (69 % production, 31% gangue)
  • Reported one reserves: Confidential
  • Reported mineral reserves: Confidential
  • Year of commencement: 1897 (Tytyri), 1898 (Parainen), 1910 (Lappeenranta)
  • Expected remaining life of the mine: Lappeenranta more than 50 years, Parainen 20-30 years, Tytyri 30-50 years
  • Mining area: Lappeenranta 450 ha / Parainen 250 ha / Tytyri 90 ha
  • Number of own employees (31.12.): 314 SKOY included
  • The main localities of the employees: Lohja 14%, Turku 5%, Parainen 29%, Lappeenranta 34% (SKOY 8%)
  • Number of permanent contractors (31.12.): 42
  • Operating profit EBITDA: 22 million Euro
  • Paid capital gains tax: 2,5 million Euro

Information about prospecting

No exploration outside the mine area in 2023.

  • Number and area of reservation areas: -
  • Number and area of exploration permit areas: -
  • Number and area of exploration permit application: -
  • Exploration permits under appeal: -
  • Exploration drilling: -


The company's environmental practices:
Yes No
Location in a nature reserve*
Environmental Management System **
Environmental impact assessment required (in accordance with the EIA Act) *
Measurements for dust
Measurements for noise
Measurements for vibration
Environmental risk assessment carried out
Deviations from environmental permits ***
Closure plan for the mine
Plan for the controlled shutdown of the mine in unexpected situations
  • * Mining concessions in Pargas, Vimpeli, Mustio and Kolari are partly or completely overlapping with Natura2000 or protected areas, total about 30 ha
  • ** Certified ISO 14001
  • *** 1 in Lappeenranta, exceedance in suspended solids levels in northern water monitoring point due to overburden removal for mine extension

  • Environmental permit granted: Yes
  • Year of permit: All sites have valid environmental permits, some locations have multiple overlapping permits. In total there are about 35 environmental permits, including changes to these permits
  • Link of permit:
  • Guarantee in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act: 535 900
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in the mining permit area: 328 000
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in mineral exploration permit area: -

Key Figures

  • Amount of mining waste: Lappeenranta 1,4 million tons (9 % tailings, 47% gangue, 44% overburden) / Parainen 800 000 tons (100% gangue) / Tytyri 8000 tons (100% gangue)
  • Utilixation of extractive waste: Gangue 69% and tailings 24 % / Parainen: Gangue 68% / Tytyri: Gangue 100%
  • Fuel Consumption: Lappeenranta (quarry) 15 GWh / Parainen 8 GWh / Tytyri 1 GWh
  • Other energy consumption: Lappeenranta (quarry): electricity 6 GWh + heat 2 GWh / Parainen: electricity 8 GWh / Tytyri: electricity 4 GWh. All our electricity in Finland is fossil-free and covered by Guar-antees of Origin (Excluding SKOY).
  • Energy consumption target:
  • CO2 emissions from the mine: Tytyri: Scope 1 (fuel consumption) = 211.79 tonnes of CO2. Scope 2: electricity con-sumption = 47.81 tonnes of CO2e. / Parainen: Scope 1 (fuel consumption) = 1941.37 tonnes of CO2. Scope 2: electricity consumption = 88.22 tonnes of CO2e. / Lappeenran-ta (quarry and flotation): Scope 1 (fuel consumption) = 4474.75 tonnes of CO2. Scope 2: electricity consumption = 257.72 tonnes of CO2e.
  • Water consumption: Lappeenranta 0,5 Mm3 (17%) / Parainen 0,003 Mm3 (100%) / Tytyri 0,008 Mm3 ( 100%)
  • Discharge of water outside the mining area: Lappeenranta; 1,42 Mm3 / Parainen: 1,04 Mm3 / Tytyri: 0,53 Mm3 discharged to nature, 0,57 Mm3 used as city drinking water
  • Number of dams in the mining area: 1 in Lappeenranta
  • Endangered species are present in the operational area: Yes
  • Use of environmentally hazardous chemicals: Lappeenranta 186 tonnes
  • Biodiversity actions: In Lappeenranta, Ihalainen, the planting of Scilla and other plants was done in 2023.

Personnel and security

The company's personnel practices:
Yes No
Staff initiative system
Performance appraisals concerning the entire personnel
Staff training plan
Equality plan
Employee representation in company administration
Occupational health and safety management system*
Occupational safety card for everyone working in the area
Own rescue unit
  • * ISO 45001, is certified

Key Figures

  • Average training days: 1 day/ employee
  • Sickness absences (excluding contractors): 2,80% SKOY included
  • Accident frequency: 4,5
  • Shift systems in use: day work (working time flexibilities: sliding work and flexible working time), two-shift work, uninterrupted two-shift work, interrupted three-shift work, uninterrupted three-shift work.
  • Share of women in the labour force:

Impact on the use and livelihoods of nearby areas

Impact on local livelihoods:

During quarrying or kiln operations, there are harmful impacts on local communities, such as noise, dust, vibrations, local emissions and traffic load. Although these impacts cannot be eliminated, they have been managed through environmental permit processes (including regular authority audits and reporting), the ISO 14001 certified Management System, a constant self-monitoring and continuous improvement process. Of the activities for reducing the impact of our operations are; installation of state-of-the art dust filters in our lime factories in Lohja and Parainen, and improving the blasting plan.

Impact on nearby recreational use:

According to the company’s own assessment, mining has not had any negative effects on the recreational use of the surrounding area. The company has renovated the lookout point and fitness stairs in Parainen and enabled the operation of the mining museum in Lohja.

Impact on landscape value:

Impacts on the landscape have been taken into account in the company’s activities. Material efficiency improvement work is active, in order to avoid putting material in waste areas. Waste areas are landscaped during mining lifetime according to environmental permit conditions. Per request of authorities some areas are left without landscaping in order to provide favourable conditions for lime loving species. Underground mines in Tytyri, where operations have been ceased, can be used as mine refill locations for power plant ash, which reduced visible landfilling.

Interaction with stakeholders

Stakeholder cooperation:

  • Stakeholder dialogue with several stakeholder groups and through various channels.
  • Of the most important stakeholder communication channels are websites, social media channels, local newspapers, responsibility report, letters and events (e.g., Tytyri open house and information on the Tytyri mine activities in 2023 at the Mine Experience as part of The European Minerals Day event.)
  • Summer jobs, internships and familiarization visits for schoolchildren and students
  • Sponsoring and local support for local communities and neighbors
  • Our support to organizations dedicated to enhancing children’s welfare

Research and cooperation projects:

  • UUMA4-programme: The goal of the UUMA programmes is to promote the use of recovered materials in earthworks and thus decrease the use of virgin natural resources and the environmental impact of earthworks.
  • Alinenjärvi lake rehabilitation project by liming, in collaboration with city of Nokia
  • DeMiCo  – Low-carbon Deep Mixing and Compaction (with e.g. Aalto University)
Social Responsibility Report
Area of operation
Parainen, Lohja, Lappeenranta, Vimpeli, Vampula, Sipoo, Mustio, Louhi, Siikainen, Varmo, Kolari
Contact information:
Teresa Lindholm
Environmental Manager Finland
Nordkalk Oy Ab

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The Mines

Towards Sustainable Mining – TSM Suomi