Description of the company

Boliden Kevitsa is a multimetal mine operating in Sodankylä, Northern Finland, and it is a major employer in the region. Our main products are copper and nickel concentrates. Concentrates also include platinum, palladium, gold and cobalt. The ore concentrates are further processed mainly by Boliden Harjavalta. Boliden Kevitsa is working systematically to minimize the environmental impact, increase energy efficiency and preserve biodiversity. We improve productivity and safety by investing in automation, electrification and remote control.

More information on our website: Boliden Kevitsa Mining Oy

Results according to the TSM Finland Standard

Community Outreach Biodiversity Management Tailings management Water management Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions Mine closure Occupational health and safety

Crisis management

Crisis management preparedness Internal review Training and exercises
Crisis Management Planning – Corporate
Crisis Management Planning – Site
Results as of: Due to the transition period, the company will report the verified results of the energy efficiency tool on May 22, 2024, instead of climate change management.
Latest externally verification: 22.5.2024

Social Responsibility Report

Company in figures

  • Production volume: Total 204 100 tonnes: nickel concentrate 120 800 tonnes, copper concentrate 83 300 tonnes.
  • Total mining: 36,4 Mt (ore 26 %, waste rock 74%)
  • Reported one reserves: 82 Mt
  • Reported mineral reserves: 166 Mt
  • Year of commencement: Year of discovery 1987, start of mining 2012
  • Expected remaining life of the mine: Over 10 years
  • Mining area: 1 420 ha
  • Number of own employees (31.12.): 582
  • The main localities of the employees: Sodankylä 62 %, Rovaniemi 12 %, Inari 5 %, Kemijärvi 4 %, Kittilä 2 %, Salla 3 %, Oulu 2 %
  • Number of permanent contractors (31.12.): 250-350
  • Operating profit EBITDA: 124,5 million €
  • Paid capital gains tax: 1,8 million €

Information about prospecting

The main exploration activities of Boliden Kevitsa in 2023 were located in Central Lapland, within the municipalities of Sodankylä, Savukoski, Kittilä, and Pelkosenniemi, as well as in the municipalities of Kiuruvesi, Pyhäjärvi, and Leppävirta. The areas were primarily explored for nickel, copper, zinc, and platinum group (PGE) metals.

The company’s exploration and research methods include deep drilling, basal till and bedrock sampling, geophysical measurements, hammer sampling, geochemical sampling methods using hand tools (till, stream sediments, plants, etc.), and bedrock mapping.

  • Number and area of reservation areas: 4 pcs and 205 868 ha
  • Number and area of exploration permit areas: 31 pcs and 26 907 ha
  • Number and area of exploration permit application: 19 pcs and 22 760 ha
  • Exploration permits under appeal: 0 pcs
  • Exploration drilling: 21,8 km


The company's environmental practices:
Yes No
Location in a nature reserve*
Environmental Management System **
Environmental impact assessment required (in accordance with the EIA Act) *
Measurements for dust
Measurements for noise
Measurements for vibration
Environmental risk assessment carried out
Deviations from environmental permits ***
Closure plan for the mine
Plan for the controlled shutdown of the mine in unexpected situations
  • ** SFS-EN ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (internal audit 10/2023, external audit 5/2023, certified - valid until 12/2026); ICMM - International Council of Mining and Metals and Water Stewardship (external assessment 5/2023); Mining Responsibility System (internal self-assessment 01-04/2024, external verification 5/2024); GISTM - Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (internal verification 5/2024, external verification fall/2024); SFS-EN ISO 9001 Quality Management (not certified).
  • *** (3 pcs) Permit deviations have been related to water management and sampling, as well as equipment maintenance activities.

  • Environmental permit granted: Yes
  • Year of permit: 2014
  • Link of permit:
  • Guarantee in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act: 147,02 million €
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in the mining permit area: 3,13 million €
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in mineral exploration permit area: 188 300 €

Key Figures

  • Amount of mining waste: 29 Mt (tailings A and B 34 %, waste rock 66 %, topsoil and moraine 1 %)
  • Utilixation of extractive waste: 30% of the waste rock is utilized within the mining area.
  • Fuel Consumption: 261 GWh (Fuel consumption of mobile equipment in the mining area. Includes the company’s and contractors’ consumption.)
  • Other energy consumption: Electricity 466 GWh (54 % renewable energy sources, 33 % nuclear power, 13 % fossil fuels ), heat 38,4 GWh (97 % renewable, 3 % non-renewable)
  • Energy consumption target: In accordance with the energy efficiency agreement, Boliden Kevitsa’s annual energy savings target is approximately 7000 MWh for the period 2020-2025. For the year 2023, the combined impact of the savings measures was 600 MWh.
  • CO2 emissions from the mine: 95,000 tons of CO2 (heat, electricity, mobile equipment (including contractors), and explosives, scope 1 and 2), which is 0.01 tons of CO2 per ton of ore.
  • Water consumption: 20,7 Mm3 (21,5 % natural raw water)
  • Discharge of water outside the mining area: Water discharge outside the mining area: 3,41 Mm3
  • Number of dams in the mining area: 5 dams (2 x class 1, 2 x class 2, 1 x class 3)
  • Endangered species are present in the operational area: No
  • Use of environmentally hazardous chemicals: Sodium isopropyl xanthate (SIPX) 252 t, potassium isoamyl xanthate (PIAX) 37,7 t
  • Biodiversity actions:
    • Compensation for the smew, goldeneye, and eagle by placing nest boxes and nesting platforms in the nearby area, with location data reported only to authorities. The nesting success of the placed boxes and the birds using them is monitored annually during both the maintenance visits in early spring and the breeding season visits, allowing for the monitoring of nesting success. During the spring 2023 maintenance round, 10 unoccupied boxes were relocated to more favorable locations, and two fallen artificial nests for golden eagles were rebuilt and reinstalled in autumn 2023.
    • The development of endangered species near the mine is monitored and reported according to the monitoring program.
    • In 2022, a biodiversity management plan was compiled for Kevitsa, aiming to promote biodiversity. The plan was internally audited in 2023, translated into Finnish, and staff were trained on it, with increased communication on the subject. Kevitsa received international recognition for promoting biodiversity in Boliden’s GRI reporting (Global Reporting Initiative). In 2023, the possibilities for relocating endangered species for future projects were mapped, and environmental surveys were conducted for new potential use areas. A biodiversity metric (CLimB) was also piloted to measure the impacts of land use on biodiversity and the necessary ecological compensations.
    • The company also explored the possibility of establishing a private nature reserve to compensate for the loss of lettonuppisara (Carex capitata) during the construction of the mine. An application was submitted to the Lapland ELY Center in January 2024.
    • In mineral exploration, the planning and implementation of research activities take into account the presence of potential endangered species. For example, exploration activities in wetland areas are mainly carried out in winter, protective distances are left for known endangered plant species, and no mechanical surveys are conducted during the breeding seasons of notable bird species. The company also monitors the environmental impact of its research activities.

Personnel and security

The company's personnel practices:
Yes No
Staff initiative system
Performance appraisals concerning the entire personnel
Staff training plan
Equality plan
Employee representation in company administration
Occupational health and safety management system*
Occupational safety card for everyone working in the area
Own rescue unit
  • * SFS-EN ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management (internal audit 10/2023, external audit 5/2023, certified - valid until 12/2026)

Key Figures

  • Average training days: 2,2 days / person / year
  • Sickness absences (excluding contractors): Total 7.0%; short-term 5.8% and long-term 1.2%
  • Accident frequency: 9.5 accidents (own personnel + contractors) per million work hours, broken down as 11.8 (contractors) and 8.3 (own personnel) accidents per million work hours.
  • Shift systems in use: Continuous 3-shift system (12 h (4 days work / 6 days off)), Continuous 1-shift system (12 h (4 days work / 5 days off) & 10 h, (5 days work / 5 days off)), Day shift (8 h and 7,5 h)
  • Share of women in the labour force: 17%

Impact on the use and livelihoods of nearby areas

Impact on local livelihoods:

Mining operations cover an area of 1 420 hectares within the Oraniemi reindeer herding cooperative’s reindeer husbandry area (0.4% of the cooperative’s total area). The mining area is fenced, but reindeer occasionally still wander onto the site. The reindeer fence is regularly inspected and maintained by local reindeer herders. Any adverse impacts on reindeer husbandry are compensated financially on an annual basis according to a written agreement. The company’s stakeholder collaboration takes into account the municipality, local residents, landowners, professional fishermen, environmental organizations, and reindeer herding cooperatives. In mineral exploration, local service providers are primarily used for subcontracting work.

Impact on nearby recreational use:

According to Boliden Kevitsa’s assessment, its operations have impacted the recreational use of the nearby area. The effects have mainly been on berry picking and hunting. The mining area has previously been and still is an area for moose hunting. Berry picking is assumed to have decreased right next to the mining area.


Impact on landscape value:

Landscape values have been taken into account in the company’s operations. The mine closure plan includes a landscaping plan.

Interaction with stakeholders

Stakeholder cooperation:

Since 2020, Boliden Kevitsa has had a stakeholder collaboration group that has met regularly four times a year. This continued in 2023 as well. One of the meetings was held as a public event in September 2023 at the municipal office. The topics of the meeting included ongoing permitting processes, soil extraction activities, the expansion of the mining area, a new tailings pond, communication channels, flood wave calculations, the closure plan permit decision, human rights impact assessment, sediment studies, a follow-up study on the perceived impacts of mining activities in Sodankylä, sustainability reporting, and the mining stage 5.

External stakeholders of Boliden Kevitsa have the opportunity to provide feedback through Boliden’s website, which has a feedback channel for stakeholders. This channel helps Boliden’s mines improve stakeholder collaboration. In 2023, Kevitsa received two (2) complaints through this channel. One concerned noise disturbance near the center of Sodankylä along Highway 4, and the other was related to the initiative by the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation’s Lapland district and Rajat Lapin kaivoksille ry concerning the Kevitsa mine.

In 2023, the University of Lapland conducted its fourth follow-up study, “Perceived Impacts of Mining Activities in Sodankylä“, which examined the views and experiences of those living in Sodankylä regarding the mining industry. Taking into account the limitations related to the generalizability of the data, it can be stated that the residents of Sodankylä generally have a positive attitude toward their hometown and the mining industry. The mining activities were perceived to have had a positive impact, particularly on the municipality’s economy and on job and career opportunities. However, overall, respondents perceived the impacts of the mining industry in the area more negatively than before. Concerns included the sufficiency of the workforce and the availability of jobs for as long as possible. Additionally, there was a general feeling that opportunities for participation and influence on matters related to the mining industry were weak.

Research and cooperation projects:

Boliden Kevitsa has been involved in the following research and collaboration projects, acting either as a financier, research subject, and/or as part of steering groups during 2023:

  • Effectiveness of respiratory protection at the workplace in cold conditions (HSTK II)
  • Boosting bio-cover – New economic models and bio-cover solutions promoting circular economy
  • Drones supporting mine monitoring (LeKaT)
  • Purification of nitrogen and heavy metal-containing runoff waters in Arctic areas using hybrid purification solutions (TypArkt)
  • Deposit to Regional scale Exploration (D-REX)
Social Responsibility Report
Area of operation
Contact information:
Johanna Holm
EHSQ manager
Boliden Kevitsa Mining Oy
+358 40 664 0330

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