Description of the company

Silver is tomorrow’s opportunity and necessity. Sotkamo Silver is a mining and ore exploration company that develops and exploits mineral deposits in Finland in the Kainuu area. Sotkamo Silver supports global development towards green transition technologies and produces the metals it needs responsibly, taking into account local stakeholders. The company also has mining and prospecting rights for mineral deposits in the vicinity of the silver mine in Kainuu.

Sotkamo Silver’s main project is a silver mine located in Sotkamo, Kainuu, which is located south of Pieni Tipasjärvi, about 40 km southeast of the city center and started production in 2019. In addition to silver, the mine also produces gold, zinc and lead. The ores are processed into concentrates, which are sold to smelters in accordance with the delivery contract. The concentrates are Silver-gold-lead, Zinc-silver and Pyrite-silver concentrate. Production activities take place in an underground mine and an open pit and include mining, storage, crushing, transportation and enrichment of ore. The life cycle of the mining operation is estimated to be 10–12 years and the total amount of mining approx. 9.65 million. tons.

TSM-tulokset ovat saatavilla todentamisen jälkeen.

Social Responsibility Report

Company in figures

  • Production volume: Ore milled 478 000 t, Lead concentrate containing silver and gold 3 036 t, Zinc concentrate containing silver 3 471 t. 1 411 000 oz silver , 3 048 oz gold , 909 t lead and 1 857 t zinc in concentrates.
  • Total mining: 681 t (ore 71 %, waste rock 29 %)
  • Reported one reserves: 0,944 - 0,511 total 1,455 Mt (Ag:94, Au:0,2, Zn:5,5, Pb:2,3 g/t)
  • Reported mineral reserves: 1,081 - 3,795 - 4,052 total 8,928Mt (Ag:54, Au:0,2, Zn:5,6, Pb:2,3 g/t)
  • Year of commencement: 1980, 2019
  • Expected remaining life of the mine: 8
  • Mining area: 371
  • Number of own employees (31.12.): 47
  • The main localities of the employees: Sotkamo (31,9%), Nurmes (12,7 %), Kajaani (8,5 %), Pyhäsalmi (6,4 %), Suomussalmi (4,3 %)
  • Number of permanent contractors (31.12.): 70 employees have worked for the contractors
  • Operating profit EBITDA: 12,99 M€
  • Paid capital gains tax: 0

Information about prospecting

In addition to the silver mine development projects, Sotkamo Silver also develops and searches for future growth in accordance with its strategy. Project REX is a local ore prospecting program that aims to develop an attractive mineral reserve portfolio and find new exploitable ore resources in the Kainuu region. Mineral exploration has been done during 2023 in the municipalities of Sotkamo, Kuhmo and Nurmes. The search is focused on bedrock mapping, rock sampling and Ionic Leach soil sampling.The metals and minerals to be searched for are Au, Ag, Pb, Zn and Kyanite.


  • Number and area of reservation areas: 5
  • Number and area of exploration permit areas: 2 kpl, 147,12 ha
  • Number and area of exploration permit application: total 11, 3 extensions for ore prospecting permit applications (1372,47 ha) and 8 permit applications
  • Exploration permits under appeal: 0
  • Exploration drilling: 0


The company's environmental practices:
Yes No
Location in a nature reserve*
Environmental Management System **
Environmental impact assessment required (in accordance with the EIA Act) *
Measurements for dust
Measurements for noise
Measurements for vibration
Environmental risk assessment carried out
Deviations from environmental permits ***
Closure plan for the mine
Plan for the controlled shutdown of the mine in unexpected situations

Key Figures

  • Amount of mining waste: 659 150 t, side rock 29,5 %, tailings 68,6 %, pyrite 1,87 %
  • Utilixation of extractive waste: Side rock 100 %, tailings 9,1 %, pyrite 74,6 %
  • Fuel Consumption: 9,2 GWh
  • Other energy consumption: Electric 28,54 GWh (0 %), LPG heating of an underground mine 2,4 GWh (0 %)
  • Energy consumption target: The goal of reducing total energy consumption per ounce of silver produced was achieved
  • CO2 emissions from the mine: Scope 1, 2 (market based) & amp; 3: 20 463 t, Scope 1, 2 (location based) & amp; 3: 8 154 t, respectively 0,02 ja 0,04 tCO2/ore milled
  • Water consumption: 1,147 Mm3 (0,3 %)
  • Discharge of water outside the mining area: 0,52 Mm3
  • Number of dams in the mining area: 4
  • Endangered species are present in the operational area: No
  • Use of environmentally hazardous chemicals: Fuels 769 t, process chemicals 134 t
  • Biodiversity actions: Fisheries compensation, Water body vision of the Oulujoki river area - ARVOVESI 2 project

Personnel and security

The company's personnel practices:
Yes No
Staff initiative system
Performance appraisals concerning the entire personnel
Staff training plan
Equality plan
Employee representation in company administration
Occupational health and safety management system*
Occupational safety card for everyone working in the area
Own rescue unit
  • * ISO 45001, noncertified

Key Figures

  • Average training days: 1,73
  • Sickness absences (excluding contractors): 6,11 d/a
  • Accident frequency: Sotkamo Silver 12,4, contractors 18,4
  • Shift systems in use: uninterrupted five-shift system 12 h ja uninterrupted -shift system 10 h
  • Share of women in the labour force: 12,8 %

Impact on the use and livelihoods of nearby areas

Impact on local livelihoods:

There is no mining or ore exploration in the reindeer herding area. Practitioners of rural and tourism businesses and landowners are taken into account in the company’s stakeholder group work.

Impact on nearby recreational use:

Yrityksen oman arvion mukaan sen toiminnalla ei ole ollut vaikutuksia lähialueen virkistyskäyttöön.

Impact on landscape value:

Maisema-arvot on huomioitu yrityksen toiminnassa ja YVA-menettelyissä. Vaikutuksia maisemaan on pyritty minimoimaan laitoksen ja rakenteiden sijoittelussa.

Interaction with stakeholders

Stakeholder cooperation:

  • Yrityksellä on säännöllisesti kokoontuva ympäristönseurantaryhmä, johon kuuluu sidosryhmien edustajat
  • Sosiaalisia vaikutuksia seurataan yhteydenpidon sekä yhteisten tilaisuuksien kautta
  • Yritys tukee paikallista koulutus- sekä ympäristötoimintaa
  • Sidosryhmien palautteelle on olemassa palautekanavat  ja käytännöt palautteen käsittelylle on luotu

Research and cooperation projects:

  • Kainuun kaivannaisstrategia 2019 – 2025
  • Suunnittelun välineitä ja työkaluja ilmastokestävyyden vahvistamiseksi Oulujoen vesistöalueella (ARVOVESI 2 -hanke)

Social Responsibility Report
Area of operation
Contact information:
Arttu Ohtonen
Chief Sustainability Officer
Sotkamo Silver Ltd
+358 40 415 6857

Other Years

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