Description of the company

Yara Finland Oy is a fertilizer company that also engages in mining and ore prospecing. Yara’s mine is located in Siilinjärvi in Northern-Savo. It is owned by Norwegian Yara ASA international. Apatite is enriched from the ore obtained from the mine’s open pits. Apatite is obtained the world’s purest phosphorus as a raw material for fertilizers and fodder phosphates. The mine’s other most valuable products are apatite, lime, biotite and various mica products.

In addition to the apatite mine, there locates also, sulfuric acid factories, phosphoric acid factory, nitric acid factory, fertilizer factory, fertilizer packing plant and phosphate research center in Yara’s Siilinjärvi location. The factories started in 1969, while the mine started in 1979. The concentration of the apatite ore in the mine is the lowest of the exploited apatite deposits in the world (about 4.2% P2O5 in situ).

The apatite concentrate is separated from the ore in the flotation process, which increases the P2O5 content to approximately 36.5%. In 2022, approximately 91% of the apatite was used at the Siilinjärvi phosphoric acid factory, where the apatite is dissolved in sulfuric acid, resulting in the formation of gypsum in addition to the phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid and apatite are used as raw materials for phosphorus in the production of fertilizers both at the Siilinjärvi’s fertilizer factory and also at the company’s other locations. At Yara’s Kokkola factory, phosphoric acid is used to produce fodder phosphates.

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Social Responsibility Report

Company in figures

  • Production volume: Apatite concentrate 906 068 t (concentration xx %), calcite 16 678 t, biotite 42 770 t, Mica 7108 t
  • Total mining: 27,3 Mt (ore 42,6 %; waste rock 57,4 %)
  • Reported one reserves: Verified 442 Mt (3,74 %), probable 281 Mt (3,37 %)
  • Reported mineral reserves: Measured 582 Mt (3,72 %), demonstrated 1349 Mt (3,27 %), possible 679 Mt (3,36 %)
  • Year of commencement: Deposit discovered in the 1950s, mining started in 1979
  • Expected remaining life of the mine: about 15 years
  • Mining area: 2 648 ha (100 % owned by Yara)
  • Number of own employees (31.12.): 99
  • The main localities of the employees: Siilinjärvi 42 %, Kuopio 33 %, union municipality 16 %, others 9 %
  • Number of permanent contractors (31.12.): about 250
  • Operating profit EBITDA: The financial indicators of the Siilinjärvi mine are not reported separately, but are included in the financial indicators of Yara International ASA
  • Paid capital gains tax: 0

Information about prospecting

Yara conducts ore exploration in the area of ​​Siilinjärvi municipality in the vicinity of Yara’s mining area. Ore prospecting is carried out by means of geological mapping, geophysical measurements and drilling. The minerals to find for are apatite and calcite. In addition, exploratory drilling is carried out in the mining area.

  • Number and area of reservation areas: -
  • Number and area of exploration permit areas: 1 pcs, area 744 ha
  • Number and area of exploration permit application: 1 pcs, area 1844,45 ha
  • Exploration permits under appeal: -
  • Exploration drilling: -


The company's environmental practices:
Yes No
Location in a nature reserve*
Environmental Management System **
Environmental impact assessment required (in accordance with the EIA Act) *
Measurements for dust
Measurements for noise
Measurements for vibration
Environmental risk assessment carried out
Deviations from environmental permits ***
Closure plan for the mine
Plan for the controlled shutdown of the mine in unexpected situations
  • ** Certified ISO 14 001
  • *** 18 kpl (explosion noise 10 kpl, Raasio's tailings sand tremor 6 kpl, Kuuslahti's NH4-N 1/2-annual load 1 pcs, Sikopuro's pool cleaning plant solids 1 pcs)

  • Environmental permit granted: Yes
  • Year of permit: Decision to review the environmental permit in 2016, change to the environmental permit in 2021
  • Link of permit:,
  • Guarantee in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act: 20 484 789 €
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in the mining permit area: 350 000 €
  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in mineral exploration permit area: -

Key Figures

  • Amount of mining waste: 25 Mt (waste rock 62 %, tailings sand 38 %)
  • Utilixation of extractive waste: 3,07 Mt (waste rock 98 %, tailings sand 2 %)
  • Fuel Consumption: 162,4 GWh
  • Other energy consumption: 190.5 GWh (of which 19.2% hydropower), heat 129.2 GWh (100% waste heat from chemical plants)
  • Energy consumption target: -
  • CO2 emissions from the mine: 68,705 t (0.0059 t/ton of ore mined). The figures are scope 1 and 2 emissions related to the operation of the mining area, in addition, the figures include the fuels used by the partner company in open pit mining operations.
  • Water consumption: 10,01 Mm3 (the proportion of raw water approx 19 %)
  • Discharge of water outside the mining area: 6,54 Mm3
  • Number of dams in the mining area: 5 pcs (3 pcs class 1, 2 pcs class 3)
  • Endangered species are present in the operational area: Yes
  • Use of environmentally hazardous chemicals: enrichment plant 1290 t, yarex-station 687 t
  • Biodiversity actions:
    The tailings sand areas have become a locally significant resting place for birds. The old tailings area has a ringing station for the local bird association. Ringing operations continued in 2023. There is also a bird tower in the Raasio basin, which is used by local residents and bird enthusiasts.
    Habitat type mapping continued in the mining area and its surroundings.
    A permit has been applied for in the area of ​​the Jaakonlammi quarry to deviate from the conservation regulations for eastern leaf moss and white grove. With regard to the plant species in question, efforts have been made to secure their living conditions and a permit enabling the transfer of plant species has been applied for. The transfers have started with trial transfers during 2021 and the actual transfers have been made during 2022. The success of the transplanted plants will be monitored in the coming years according to the plan.

Personnel and security

The company's personnel practices:
Yes No
Staff initiative system
Performance appraisals concerning the entire personnel
Staff training plan
Equality plan
Employee representation in company administration
Occupational health and safety management system*
Occupational safety card for everyone working in the area
Own rescue unit
  • * Certified ISO 45001

Key Figures

  • Average training days: 10/person
  • Sickness absences (excluding contractors): 4,6 % (TT), 2,53 % (TH)
  • Accident frequency: TRI-frequency (total recordable injuries) 1,3 (0 accidents with own personnel, 1 accident with contractors)
  • Shift systems in use: TAM15 (7,5 h / 8 h), TAM17 (7,5 h), TAM25 (8 h), TAM27 (8 h), TAM37 (12 h), TAM35 (8h)
  • Share of women in the labour force: 13,13 %

Impact on the use and livelihoods of nearby areas

Impact on local livelihoods:

The municipality, residents of the surrounding area, landowners and rural businesses are taken into account in the company’s stakeholder group work.

Yara is the largest industrial employer in Siilinjärvi and a significant employer in the Kuopio region. Yara Siilinjärvi directly employs around 400 htv and the estimated total employment effect of the site is around 2,200 htv.* Including contractors, more than 700 people work at the site every day.

*The total employment effect is based on 2018 figures and modeling by KPMG. The total employment effect consists of the direct (own employees) and indirect employment effect as well as the income effect. The income effect describes the employment effect that occurs when directly and indirectly employed people buy with the money they earn. The direct employment figure includes permanent, temporary and external employees.

Impact on nearby recreational use:

The operation of the mine has had an impact on recreational use in the surrounding area. There have been effects on berry picking, mushroom growing, fishing and camping.

During the establishment phase of the mine and the expansion of its operations, the mine has acquired its ownership of areas, in which case these areas have partially gone out of the scope of recreational use. The operation has also had an impact on Syrjänlampi and Lake Kolmisoppi outside the mining area, where the recreational use value of the lakes has weakened due to the eutrophication of the lakes. Efforts have been made to stop and reduce the development of eutrophication in lake Kolmisoppi with the help of oxygenation and treatment fisheries. Yara started further renovation of the lake in 2015. The goal of the renovation is to improve the recreational use value of the lake. The local village association and local residents are also involved in the renovation project.

Impact on landscape value:

In connection with the environmental impact assessments made on the mining area, the landscape effects of the operation have been clarified by modeling observational images and visibility assessments. The landscape effects of mining operations are concentrated in the vicinity of the mine, where the side rock dumping areas and the tailings pond become clearly visible objects in the landscape. The mining area is located near water bodies and there are agricultural areas in the vicinity of the area, where the landscape is open. From these areas, the outcrops of the mining area can be observed. Landscaping areas, such as side stone pile areas and tailings areas, will be landscaped as the operation progresses to the extent that it is possible from the point of view of the operation. As a whole, the landscaping will be completed when the activity ends. Landscaping plans have been drawn up in such a way that the areas can be adapted to the landscape surrounding the area as naturally as possible with the help of landscaping.

Interaction with stakeholders

Stakeholder cooperation:

In 2015, the company founded a cooperation group in the vicinity of the Siilinjärvi location, the aim of which is to increase interaction between different operators. The group meets about twice a year.

In addition to the cooperation group, regional groups for nearby residential areas have been established at the workplace.

  • There are four groups and their operations have started during 2019.
  • The open doors- event was organized in 2023
  • We are cooperating with the local bird association in the old tailings area
  • Many groups of visitors from educational institutions, various clubs and associations visit the mine
  • The company has organized visits related to the fertilizer business (customers, distributors, research institutes)
  • Stakeholder cooperation is carried out according to an annually updated plan
  • There is a feedback channel for feedback from stakeholders and practices for processing feedback
  • The EIA work on the mine expansion continued, and the team held several different presentation events, as well as being in contact with various parties
  • Yara’s chatroom was opened in the village of Siilinjärvi, which is open on Wednesdays

Research and cooperation projects:

A collaborative project related to the utilization of tailings sand.

Social Responsibility Report
Area of operation
Siilinjärvi mine
Contact information:
Hanna Lampinen
Senior environmental specialist
Yara Finland Oy

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