Description of the company

Hannukainen Mining Oy was founded in 2015 to utilize the Hannukainen ore deposits in the Kolari municipality. The area has a long history in mining and the project is situated mainly in an area that has already seen mining in the past. Mining company’s goal is utilize the iron oxide-copper-gold deposits and produce iron, copper-gold and pyrite concentrates. The mining will be done in two open pits. The project is currently in permitting and planning phase.

Hannukainen Mining Oy is fully owned by family company Tapojärvi Oy, which has its roots in the Kolari municipality. Tapojärvi has a long history as a mining contractor, material handling, circular economy and operating industrial processes. Tapojärvi supports Hannukainen’s permitting phase with it’s entire organisation.

Home page:

Social Responsibility Report

Company in figures

  • Reported ore reserves: 115 Mt (Fe 30,5 %, Cu 0,185 %, Au 0,112 ppm)
  • Reported minerals reserves: 159 Mt (Fe 30 %, Cu 0,18 %)
  • Year of commencement: 2015
  • Number of own employees (31.12.): 6
  • The main localities of the employees: Kolari (33,3 %), Northern Finland (100 %)
  • Number of permanent contractors (31.12.): 0

Information about prospecting

Hannukainen is doing prospecting in the Kolari municipality near the planned mine area and also in the neighbouring municipality Kittilä near the Kelontekemä village. In Kolari prospecting is focused to find IOCG deposits, where the main minerals of interest are magnetite and chalcopyrite. In Kittilä Kelontekemä prospecting is mainly focused on gold and copper. The main work methods in prospecting are modelling, interpretation of old data, geophysical measurements and diamond core drilling.
  • Number and area of reservation areas: 0 pcs, 0 ha
  • Number and area of exploration permit areas: 1 pcs, 650,02 ha
  • Number and area of exploration permit application: 9 pcs, 3689,6 ha
  • Exploration permits under appeal: 1 pcs
  • Exploration drilling: 0 km


The company's environmental practices:
Yes No
Location in a nature reserve*
Voluntary environmental management system **
Environmental risk assessment carried out

  • Financial guarantee in accordance with the mining act in mineral exploration permit area: 2500 €

Key Figures

  • Endangered species are present in the operational area: Yes
  • Use of environmentally hazardous chemicals: 0
  • Biodiversity actions: -

Personnel and security

The company's personnel practices:
Kyllä ei
Staff initiative system
Performance appraisals concerning the entire personnel
Staff training plan
Equality plan
Employee representation in company administration
Occupational health and safety management system*
Occupational safety card for everyone working in the area
  • * Operations in accordance with ISO 45001, Not certified.

Key Figures

  • Average training days: 4,7 days/person
  • Sickness absences (excluding contractors): 1,41 %
  • Accident frequency: 0
  • Shift systems in use: Daytime job
  • Share of women in the labour force:

Impact on the use and livelihoods of nearby areas

Impact on local livelihood:

In its current phase, Hannukainen has very little activities at the old mining area. Local residents and other stakeholders are informed beforehand about field works and prospecting activities. Discussions are held in the planning phase of the works with local reindeer herders to coordinate the works. This is done also with other businesses in the area. The mining company hasn’t had any major impact on the livelihoods or business in the area.

Impacts on nearby recreational use:

According to mining company’s estimations, the company hasn’t had any major impact on the use of the areas because there are no continuous operations in the area.

Impacts on landscape value:

The company has no major impact on the landscape at this stage. The test structures that have been made in the area is in an old gravel extraction area that is in the old mining area. Because of this the impact on the landscape is minimal. Also, the effect of the ground water monitoring pipes and marking of the diamond core drill holes are minimal.

Interaction with stakeholders

Stakeholder cooperation:

Hannukainen Mining Oy aims to have open interactions with its stakeholders. The company informs the landowners and major stakeholders about any field works before the work starts. In addition to this, the company reports the progress of the project and the situation of the company on its website, newsletters and news releases.

Cooperation with stakeholders:

  • Continuous cooperation and communications. Communication and cooperation channels are for example: Weekly open doors at the Kolari office, phone, email, stakeholder meetings (8 pcs.), newsletters (6 pcs.), newspaper announcements, news releases (4 pcs.) and news releases on the webpage (17 pcs.)
  • A stakeholder survey was conducted in late 2023, where the expectations, attitudes and worries about the project were asked from the people of the Kolari municipality.
  • Several feedback channels have been made for the stakeholders. A system has been developed for the processing of the feedback. The operations are developed according to this feedback.
  • In 2023 the company continued the discussions with the municipality about the stakeholder forum that could help the cooperation with key stakeholders.
  • Hannukainen Mining is also involved in promoting the electrification of the Kolari railway.
  • The company supports local and regional club activities, investing especially in the regional well-being of children and young people and their versatile hobby opportunities. The company supports environmental and cultural activities and takes care of the leisure activities of employees’ families
  • In 2023 one stakeholder group meeting was held. Addition to this Hannukainen Mining was present at several events, fairs and public events. The Kolari office had open doors 41 times during the year and had 780 visitors in total.

Research and cooperation projects:

  • New Regional Circular-Economy Promoting Co-operation and Bio-Cover Practices in Arctic Mine Tailings. The project is managed by Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) and Geological Survey of Finland (GTK). The project lasts from 1.10.2020 to 30.6.2023. The project is funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), GTK, LUKE, Boliden Kevitsa Mining Oy, Hannukainen Mining Oy, Napapiirin kuljetus Oy, Napapiirin Energia ja Vesi Oy, Sodankylä municipality and Kittilä municipality.
  • Dig_IT project developes digital solutions for the needs of the sustainable mining industry. During the project online measuring stations are used to monitor the quality of the streams and rivers near the Hannukainen mine site. Solutions are also developed to utilize the data that is produced during the project. Project is Horizon 2020 funded and lasts four years. The project has 15 partners, which include for example Tapojärvi, Tampere University and Sintef Norlab AS.
  • Typki project aims at improving nutrient recovery and utilisation as industrial chemicals, building materials and fertilizer additives. The project develops new feasible and up scalable solutions to purify waste waters. The first industry to pilot these solutions is mining and after that these solutions will be tested at other industries. The project is partly funded by Business Finland and lasts for three years (2021-2023). The total budged of the public part of the project is 1.03 million euros. The project is coordinated by VTT and the consortium includes for example University of Oulu, Tapojärvi, Aqua minerals, BioSO4, Brightplus, Teollisuuden Vesi, Agnico Eagle, Gasum, Hannukainen Mining, Valmet and Yara Suomi.
Social Responsibility Report
Area of operation
Contact information:
Maria Mäntylä
Environmental Engineer
Hannukainen Mining Oy

Other Years

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Towards Sustainable Mining – TSM Suomi